Coral Reef Odyssey, a Gallery
photographs by Jan C. Post
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Steep walls are favorite diving areas because the variety of light conditions over a small distance, the pure and plankton-rich ocean water flowing along, and the large number of different growing conditions provide for a rich variety of creatures. Most spectacular are the gorgonians, or sea fans, which come in bright colors and are corals with a flexible skeleton of a horn-like substance.


Hawksbill turtles are hunted for their shell which is highly prized for making combs, spectacles, boxes, etc. Their flesh is considered toxic in many places, so they are not hunted for food nearly as much as their cousins, the Green Turtle. There is now an international ban on the trade in turtle shell, but poaching continues. Where these turtles are protected they become quite tame and can be easily approached by divers.


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