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November 29, 2001 |
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Report On The Conference And Workshop In Peru:"Integrated Approaches To The Environment, Development And Public Health In Peru"from HORIZON-Peru InternsClick here for speeches from the Conference
In order to celebrate the formal launch of the partnership between Universidad Agraria La Molina in Peru and HORIZON International, the University and HORIZON held a conference on October 30th at the University. Students, managers, officers and decision makers from many universities, NGOs, and government organizations came together to address public health, development and environmental problems and to how to better bring about integrated solutions. It provided an opportunity to strengthen partnerships among one another and to establish relationships with HORIZON International.
The all day event proved to be a very good opportunity for interchange of experience and knowledge between all the participants. By increasing awareness of current endeavors and successful initiatives, it created new opportunities for strengthening existing initiatives and starting new ones. Two hundred persons attended the conference and 70 participated in the Workshops. They were all very enthusiast and active participants who found the event productive. The Universidad Agraria and HORIZON assumed all costs, and participation was free. Professor Roberto Ugaz, Director of International Management of the Universidad Agraria who worked closely with HORIZON to make the partnership with the University a reality opened the occasion.
Dr. Homero Silva, Advisor Environmental Health PAHO/WHO-Peru, spoke about the relationship between Heath and Development (http://www.per.ops-oms.org). Eco. Antonio Brack, Adviser UNDP Peru, spoke about the relationship between Environment and Poverty in Peru (http://www.pnud.org.pe). Ing. Carlos Llerena Pinto, Professor at the University of Agraria spoke about a specific case of investigation in the Sierra-jungle of Peru (http://www.lamolina.edu.pe). Their papers are available on the HORIZON Solutions Site in Spanish and English. Everyone was delighted by the high quality of the lectures and found the speeches motivational. The lectures laid the framework for the afternoon Workshops and discussions.
The workshops were original and innovative in drawing together policy experts from different fields and organizations. The HORIZON Associates elaborated two hypothetical case studies of environmental problems to be solved; one was a rural problem and the other was a urban problem. The participants were separated into five groups (government outlook, university outlook, NGO outlook, community outlook and enterprise outlook). Each group worked together to answer questions elaborated by the Associates with the goal of finding a solution to that problem. Three questions to lead them into discussions in their groups: What environmental problems do they detect?; What should they do from their perspective?; and, What are the difficulties for getting that solution?. Participants of each group answered from their particular outlook. They were brought together in the auditorium to present their results, discuss their conclusions and come to a consensus as a whole.
Raul Farfán, a HORIZON-intern in Peru and the team's General Advisor
presented the conclusions of the event. He also invited the participants
to work together with HORIZON and to prepare case studies for the HORIZON
Solutions Site. He read the statement of Janine Selendy, HORIZON's Chairman,
prepared for the event. Institutions that participated:
Quotes from participants: