Slightly changing the construction methods of traditional maize storage granaries can result in significantly reduced insect infestation and mildew losses for small farmers
Rural areas, Togo
Slightly changing the construction methods of traditional maize storage granaries can result in significantly reduced insect infestation and mildew losses for small farmers.
Cereal losses after harvesting
The main cereal grown in Togo is maize, 95% of which is produced by small-scale farmers who suffer substantial losses because of insects and mildew. Inadequate storage facilities compound the problem.
The use of a thatched structure (granary) to store maize is a traditional practice in the West African countries of Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin and Nigeria. It may well be used in other countries, although no definite information on this is available. It is not known who originally developed this system or when. However, the structure was first systematically studied by a multidisciplinary research team from the University of Benin in Togo in 1983 under the direction of Dr. Philip J. Smith. The team developed a series of methods to improve maize storage, thereby increasing farmers' income by minimizing losses. Improved storage also increases the amount of food available to families during the year.
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A typical smallholder farmer in the region under consideration is faced with the problem of quickly clearing his field towards the end of August (when labor is in short supply) in order to prepare the land for a second planting. Maize harvested at this time contains moisture content levels ranging from 18 to 25% and must continue to dry if it is to be stored successfully for extended periods. However, these moisture content levels do not allow the maize to be easily shelled by hand, as the kernels are still too soft. This precludes artificial drying as an immediate solution to the drying and storage problem even if the technical facilities were available and the necessary laborers could be found. Faced with these constraints, the farmer has chosen the traditional granary as an inexpensive solution to his/her immediate drying and storage problems.
The new methods incorporate these traditional granaries, which are made from harvested cobs and straw. They are used for both storing and drying. The methods described below are recommended to increase the quality and quantity of maize (click to view schematic chart of wall construction and stacking pattern):
Types of Maize Storage Structures | ||
low granary | ||
high granary | ||
woven wall granary | ||
rectangular crib | ||
Schematic representation of the four basic types of maize storage structures which were studied. In practice the platform base of the first three structures may be circular or rectangular, flat or concave. |
Implementation Status:
Farmers in Togo have shown great interest in the research findings, which involve no major changes to their usual methods and little extra cost. These simple methods increase the harvest and improve the quality of the maize. Thanks to improved methods, farmers have noted losses of 9%, compared to between 15-50% using traditional methods.
The specific objectives of ETRC are:
Potential Users
Small maize producers in West Africa.
Constraining Factors
If the granary is built correctly and used as a temporary drying and storage structure for two to three months there appears to be little problem with its use, as insect attack levels remain low. However, many farmers wish to continue to use this structure to store maize for up to eight months. Under these conditions insect attack levels increase dramatically, especially with the larger grain borer Prostephanus truncatus. It should also be noted that initial granary construction requires a supply of wood for the posts and platform. In order to avoid long-term problems, some tree planting is required for this reason.
Stockage traditionnel du maïs. (Illustrated manual in French for farmers aided by extension workers, available from Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Togo, 239 Bd. du 13 Janvier, Lomé, Togo, Afrique de l'Ouest.)
The Traditional Granary. (A twenty-minute documentary video in English, French and Ewe; available via Contact information above)
In the IDRC library:
Etudes togolaises des systemes traditionnels de stockage du maïs en zone tropicale guinienne. 1990. 450 pp.: ill. (Final report.) Location: ARCHIV 633.15:631.563(668.1) S 6 BIBLIO ISN: 53037
Etudes togolaises de stockage de maïs en milieu rural. 1986. 5 v.: ill. Location: ARCHIV 633.15:631.56 K 65 BIBLIO ISN: 69140
Participatory action research in Togo: an inquiry into maize storage systems. Participatory research. 1990. ARCHIV MACLUR no. 01 BIBLIO ISN: 86576 - Available from the Endogenous Technologies Research Centre, University of Benin, PO Box 1515, Lome, Togo:
Smith, Philip J., Homa S. Smith, Kwami G. Kpakote, "An Evaluation of the Drying Mechanisms of Maize Storage Structures Used in Southern Togo."
Smith, Philip J., Homa S. Smith, Kwami G. Kpakote, "A Systems Approach to a Classification of Experiments."
Submitted by:
CONTACTS Philip J. Smith
Ecole superieure d'agronomie
Université de Benin
PO Box 1515
Lomé, TOGO
Fax: +228 21.85.95
International organizations:
Natural Resources Institute
Food Security Department - Food Storage Group
Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime
Tel.: 01634 880088 (National), +44 1634 880088 (International)
Fax: 01634 880066/77 (National), +44 1634 880066/77 (International)
Web site:
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA):
Country Program Manager for Benin and Togo
Christian Tardif
200 Promenade du Portage Hull, Quebec Canada K1A 0G4
Tel: (819) 953-2272
Fax: (819) 953-9454
Regional Director for Golfe de Guinee
Archie Book
200 Promenade du Portage Hull, Quebec Canada K1A 0G4
Tel: (819) 997-1291
Fax: (819) 953-9454
World University Service of Canada (WUSC):
Dominique Bédard, Regional director for West Africa
Marc Dolgin, USC Executive Director
1404 Scott Street Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 4 M8
Phone: (613) 798-7477
Fax: (613) 798-0990
Endogenous Technologies Research Centre at the University of Benin - Centre de Recherches sur les Technologies Endogènes Université du Bénin
B.P. 1515, Lomé, TOGO
Information Date: 1998-02-06
Information Source: International Development Research Centre