With the creation and guidance of planning agencies like The Research and Urban Planning Institute of Curitiba (IPPUC), a mass transportation system developed that today covers eight neighboring cities, and transports 1.9 million passengers daily with an 89% approval rate.
When Michael Pleass began to try to find an inexpensive and simple method for desalinating water, his attention was drawn to a third kind of renewable energy, one that had received less focus than solar and wind.
The Government of Zimbabwe views electricity as a critical factor in increasing literacy, slow rural-urban migration, and improving the overall quality of life for the country’s rural population of nearly 8 million people who are without access to grid-supplied electricity. Should Zimbabwe resort to its vast reserves of coal for electrical power generation (estimated at 30 billion tons, of which 2 billion tons are exploitable), serious global environmental problems would result. However, small-scale solar electric generation technology is now reliable, inexpensive, and available form a variety of manufacturers worldwide. This technology holds great promise as an alternative to power generation systems that burn fossil fuels and produce greenhouse gases linked to climate change.
The Rural Energy Development Programme (REDP) made community mobilization its precondition for Sustainable Rural Energy Systems Development. The question of sustainability has been a major issue of the rural development efforts in the past decade. Based on experience, the development process without active participation of local people and use of local resources is unattainable.
The Rural Solar Energy Development Project (RSED) is a direct offshoot of the Area Development Scheme Kordofan (ADS)and was developed as a means of catalyzing renewable energy technology distribution, implementation and commercialization. The goal of RESD is to provide viable solar energy technology to satisfy basic energy needs of rural communities both domestically and publicly; develop a private sector infrastructure for installation and maintenance to support communities; and, institute measures to promote a more favorable climate for market growth.
There has been a combination of local input and international agency involvement, along with many others, who participated in developing The Kenya Ceramic Jiko (KCJ).
The stove is a portable improved charcoal burning stove consisting of an hour-glass shaped metal cladding with an interior ceramic liner that is perforated to permit the ash to fall to the collection box at the base. A thin layer of vermiculite or cement is placed between the cladding and the liner. A single pot is placed on the rests at the top of the stove.
Sweden's efforts to reduce sulfur dioxide -- with a decrease in emissions of more than seventy percent since 1970 -- and other particulates and gases that contribute to acid rain are a model for other nations, communities, and individuals to follow. The efforts include emissions controls on vehicles and factories, cleaner power plants, household and industrial recycling, and increased exploitation of non-fossil-fuel energy sources.