There has been a combination of local input and international agency involvement, along with many others, who participated in developing The Kenya Ceramic Jiko (KCJ).
The stove is a portable improved charcoal burning stove consisting of an hour-glass shaped metal cladding with an interior ceramic liner that is perforated to permit the ash to fall to the collection box at the base. A thin layer of vermiculite or cement is placed between the cladding and the liner. A single pot is placed on the rests at the top of the stove.
Sweden's efforts to reduce sulfur dioxide -- with a decrease in emissions of more than seventy percent since 1970 -- and other particulates and gases that contribute to acid rain are a model for other nations, communities, and individuals to follow. The efforts include emissions controls on vehicles and factories, cleaner power plants, household and industrial recycling, and increased exploitation of non-fossil-fuel energy sources.